![2 of our men discovered the reckerrei [Arikara] village, about the center of the Island...on the main Shore. Great numbers of those People came on the Island to see us pass. William Clark, October 8, 1804](images/anchor_quote.gif)

issouri residents will enjoy the following programs made possible
by the
of Missouri Lewis & Clark Bicentennial Commission and the Missouri
Historical Society:
Lewis & Clark's Missouri
Beginning Fall 2003, two copies of a panel exhibit will be available to schools,
libraries and public buildings throughout Missouri. This 500-square foot exhibit, developed
by the Missouri Historical Society, will feature high-quality color photographs of
artifacts, documents, and artwork, plus information about Missouri and the Lewis & Clark
expedition. The lightweight, easy-to-assemble panels provide a flexible format to meet your needs.
To schedule the exhibit, contact the Missouri State Museum at nrodonm@mail.dnr.state.mo.us
or call for more information at (573) 751-2854